Generating the CSV and binary formats from Python is easy enough. Here are samples for each.
CSV format
You can use code like the following to generate a tab-separated CSV where the first row is a header. The header is ignored by PostgreSQL, so make sure the column ordering matches up with the table definition.f_table1 = open(filebase + '_table1.csv', 'wb') table1 = csv.DictWriter(f_table1, [ 'col1', 'col2'], dialect=csv.excel_tab)
# writeheader() was added in Python 2.7; for 2.6, see StackOverflow f_table1.writeheader(pht_text) # Sample - one row table1.write_row({ 'col1': 1, 'col2': 2, }) f_table1.close()
The code above uses a writeheader() method added to csv.DictWriter in Python 2.7. If you're stuck with 2.6, see this Stack Overflow post.
To load the CSV into psql:
Luckily, the tables I had to worry about only have three columns: a varchar, a bytea and a timestamptz. The binary format of each is straightforward:
\copy table1 FROM 'yyyymm_table1.csv' CSV HEADER DELIMITER E'\t';
Timestamps in CSV format
For timestamp and timestamptz columns PostgreSQL is smart enough to handle a date string like "2014-02-28 12:34:45.123456". For timestamptz it will infer the appropriate timezone for the given date and time. To format the timestamp string you can use something like:row['timestamp'] = "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%09.6f" % ( year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
Binary format
The PostgreSQL binary format is partly documented but once you're past the header and into the field values you're essentially on your own - the advice given is to read the source under utils/backend/adt, and to an outsider it looks like the field formats are heavily dependent on compile-time options. I normally wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole but it's the most efficient way to load tables with large bytea columns.Luckily, the tables I had to worry about only have three columns: a varchar, a bytea and a timestamptz. The binary format of each is straightforward:
- in all cases the field is preceded by a 32-bit field length
- varchar and other text fields, and bytea, are encoded as a run of bytes
- timestamptz could be 64-bit signed integer or double-precision floating point depending on compiler options, but realistically it's always a signed integer: number of seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, multiplied by one million, plus microseconds
Here's a sample:
f_table2 = open(filebase + '_table2.bin', 'wb') table2 = pgbinwriter(f_table2) table2.writeheader() # Columns: varchar, bytea, timestamptz table2.writerow([ pgbintext("abcdefg"), pgbinbytea(some_bytearray), pgbintimestamptz( string_to_pythontime('2014-02-28 12:34:45.123456')), ]) table2.writetrailer() table2.close()
And the underlying functions:
############################################################################ # PostgreSQL binary format routines # PGCOPY_HEADER = "PGCOPY\n\377\r\n\0" # 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC in Unix (Python) time PG_DATE_EPOCH = 946684800.0 class pgbinwriter(object): def __init__(self, fileobj): self.fileobj = fileobj def writeheader(self): self.fileobj.write(PGCOPY_HEADER) # Write flags self.fileobj.write(bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0])) # Header extension area length self.fileobj.write(bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0])) def writerow(self, fields): # 16 bits: number of fields in the tuple self._write16(len(fields)) for field in fields: self.fileobj.write(field.encode()) def writetrailer(self): self._write16(-1) # Write a 16-bit integer in network byte order def _write16(self, u16): self.fileobj.write(bytearray([(u16 >> 8) & 0xff, u16 & 0xff])) class pgbinfield(object): def __init__(self, length): self.length = length def encode(self): return self._encode32(self.length) + self._encode_data() # Write a 32-bit integer in network byte order def _encode32(self, length): return bytearray([ (length >> 24) & 0xff, (length >> 16) & 0xff, (length >> 8) & 0xff, length & 0xff]) def _encode_data(self): raise class pgbinnull(pgbinfield): def __init__(self): super(pgbinnull, self).__init__(-1) def _encode_data(self): return bytearray() class pgbintext(pgbinfield): def __init__(self, text): super(pgbintext, self).__init__(len(text)) self.text = text def _encode_data(self): return bytearray(self.text) class pgbinbytea(pgbinfield): def __init__(self, bytearr): super(pgbinbytea, self).__init__(len(bytearr)) self.bytearr = bytearr def _encode_data(self): return self.bytearr # Depending on compiler options, PostgreSQL either uses 64-bit signed integers # or double precision floating point numbers - default 64-bit ints. # Values are stored as number of seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, # multiplied by one million, plus microseconds. # Example: 2014-03-12 22:48:41.267917-04 -> 0x19772c275aacd class pgbintimestamptz(pgbinfield): def __init__(self, pythontime): super(pgbintimestamptz, self).__init__(8) self.pythontime = pythontime def _encode_data(self): pgtime = long((self.pythontime - PG_DATE_EPOCH) * 1000000.0) return bytearray([ (pgtime >> 56) & 0xff, (pgtime >> 48) & 0xff, (pgtime >> 40) & 0xff, (pgtime >> 32) & 0xff, (pgtime >> 24) & 0xff, (pgtime >> 16) & 0xff, (pgtime >> 8) & 0xff, pgtime & 0xff]) # Given a string like "2014-02-28 12:34:45.123456", returns a floating point # number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). def string_to_pythontime(s): # time.mktime() is smart enough to figure out daylight savings time. # To get time.strptime() to work we just have to strip off the fractional # part of the second. i = s.index('.') nofrac = s[0:i] frac = float("0." + s[i+1:]) return time.mktime(time.strptime(nofrac, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) + frac
To load into psql:
\copy table2 FROM 'yyyymm_table2.bin' BINARY;
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